Refill Community Stories – Hounslow

  • sustainability
Refill Community Stories – Hounslow

Introducing… Refill Hounslow

In partnership with City to Sea’s Refill campaign, in early 2023 Hounslow Council declared the borough an official ‘Refill Destination’.. The west London borough aims to promote a circular economy, with a particular focus on Heston, which they are working to transform into a demonstrator circular economy neighbourhood.

Heston in the Loop

Heston in the Loop is a circular neighbourhood pilot. Refill Hounslow forms part of this exciting initiative which encourages residents to reuse, refill and repair instead of buying new. Volunteers help run regular repair cafés and community growing sessions, which also provide a safe and supportive space for local residents to come together and learn about circular economy and sustainable living. At the launch of Refill Hounslow in Heston, the community scheme led two action days in which volunteers from the local area visited businesses to inform them about the campaign and signed many up as new Refill Stations.

Business is booming

Many of these local businesses understood the advantages of moving away from single-use packaging, saving them money on packaging, attracting more customers, and preventing plastic pollution. They also liked the idea of being visible on the Refill app and of being part of a waste-prevention community. Refill Hounslow is already seeing the map of Heston and Hounslow fill up with new, independent Refill Stations. Through listing them on the app Hounslow Council are happy to be able to provide businesses already engaging in circular activities the platform to receive the recognition they deserve. Being listed on the Refill app means both residents and visitors to the borough can see the great work local businesses are doing and support them.

The future is circular in Hounslow

In Heston, two local community advisors are working hard to push the Refill agenda with residents and businesses - growing the Refill community, signing up more businesses as Refill Stations and encouraging more residents to download the app. The Refill campaign offers the opportunity to do something about the amount of single-use plastic items being produced, bought and sold. Making people feel less self-conscious and more confident asking for refills in local businesses helps accelerate behaviour change which is good for both people and the environment.

Refill Hounslow’s Top Takeaway:

‘Use the app! You’ll never have to buy water again. Bottled water is less filtered and less regulated than tap water and is literally a thousand times the price. Every neighbourhood can become more circular, Refill is a really good first step.’ – Florence Hale, waste and recycling officer at the London Borough of Hounslow

Hounslow London Community Stories




Get Involved

In Heston, Refill Hounslow is working with the local community to build a space where residents can feel happy and safe and enjoy themselves whilst learning how to live more sustainably – which helps them live healthier and happier lives.

Heston in the Loop

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