Refill Community Stories – Putney
- sustainability

Introducing… Refill Putney, London
Refill Putney is run by Positively Putney BID, a business improvement district working to maximise Putney’s potential and making it a vibrant and attractive place for those who work, live and visit. They coordinate Refill Putney as one of their environmental initiatives to improve Putney town centre.
Visitors to Putney, the people that live there and those that do business there are already taking steps to reduce their plastic waste, but Refill Putney are working to help them go even further and have more impact. They want to ensure that all businesses in Putney sign up to the Refill scheme and encourage visitors to stop using single-use plastics.
Keeping the Thames plastic free
Putney is located on the banks of London’s the River Thames and is well known as the starting point of the annual Oxford and Cambridge University Boat Race, which sees up to 250,000 spectators pack its lively riverside pubs. Positively Putney has been working hard to reduce plastic waste by introducing reusable plastic cups at this event and Putney’s pubs are now encouraged to serve pints on Boat Race day in these reusable cups. This is estimated to prevent 50,000 single use plastics ending up in the Thames in just one day!
Putney against Plastic Pollution
Plastic pollution is an issue in the area with so many green spaces and of course, the River Thames. So Refill Putney has embraced the Refill campaign as a simple and effective way to reduce plastic pollution, particularly from single-use water bottles. They’re working hard to engage local businesses in the town centre, signing them up as Refill Stations, and promoting the campaign to residents, reminding them to carry a reusable water bottle and look out for the Refill window sticker.
Good for the environment and good for business
It’s not just residents that Refill Putney are encouraging to get involved. They’re also raising awareness of the Refill campaign amongst visitors to the area, letting them know they can refill their bottles whilst out and about. Being listed on the Refill app is great for local businesses too because they benefit from increased awareness and people visiting Putney are discovering new businesses as a result.
Refill Putney’s Top Takeaway:
Focus on the small part that you as an individual can play in reducing plastics globally. Look at your own plastic usage and see what simple changes you can make and start there.
Chilly’s & Refill are working together to spread the Refill Revolution across the UK, providing communities with the tools they need to create lasting change in their community, including individuals, community groups, local authorities and governments.
Chilly’s has been working with Refill since 2018, and by 2022, had donated nearly £700,000 to support Refill in achieving its work, and some of this funding has been used to support some of the 400-strong network of local community and council-led Refill Schemes. The Refill campaign helps hundreds of thousands of people to take action where they live.
This series celebrates some of the incredible Refill community programs out there on the ground helping us to turn the tide on plastic pollution – these are our Refill Heroes.

Get Involved
Download the Refill app. Its free and you can find places to refill your water bottle, get a takeaway coffee in a reusable cup, get lunch to go without plastic and even do zero waste shopping. Look out for the blue Refill sticker in windows of cafes, shops and restaurants – that means you can come in and get a refill.
Enhancing Putney - Positively Putney
Find a Refill Scheme near you – Refill Schemes | Refill | find a scheme and Join the Refill Revolution.