About Marco Oggian

About Marco Oggian

After being expelled from university in 2010, Marco Oggian set out to carve his own creative path. Since then he’s worked on over 150 projects, been published in more than 20 books and lived and worked in Milan, Berlin, LA, Spain and several South American countries. It’s safe to say that things worked out alright in the end.

“My creative style is a bit explosive. It’s like a vacuum cleaner that sucks in ideas and inspiration from all around me. Then one day it gets full and suddenly the vacuum bag bursts and there is dust and debris everywhere. Eventually the dust settles, and with a lot of patience I tidy everything up and organises it into a new creation.”



“Parrots, flags, eyes and mysterious jars. My fantasy universe is an ode to diversity and to different cultures. The real charm of the world.”

Magic Jungle
Magic Jungle

Magic Jungle

“Nature is wonderful in all its forms. There’s something magical about every living being. This is one of many reasons why we should respect our planet more.”